atWork Australia

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Quote reads "By making sure we take the time to find the right employer and the right candidate, we can ensure both people and business can thrive." said Kylie Job Coach in Victoria


25-year-old, Nick, was connected to the atWork Australia Workforce Australia team in Moolap, Victoria.

He was working in a work-from-home role, but found he enjoyed the social aspects of working and wanted to look for a new role.

He met with Employer Engagement Consultant, Kylie, for an interview where they talked about his goals, what types of roles he wanted and how atWork Australia could help.

Nick wanted to look at a cleaning role, as he had done a similar role in the past and enjoyed the work but not the toxic workplace culture of his previous employer.

Without a licence, Nick also needed employment that was accessible via public transport.

He had previously attended an atWork Australia employment hub for another role and Kylie had a good idea of who might be a good fit for him

“Quest hotels is an amazing employer to work with, supportive of staff and very flexible to the needs of each worker,” said Kylie, Employer Engagement Consultant.

Nick was nervous about meeting with a new employer, due to his past experiences, but with the support and coaching from his Job Coaches, Jules and Kylie, he excelled in the interview and landed the job on the spot.

Quest Apartments had employed clients of atWork Australia in the past and commented that they appreciated the quality candidates they had received.

Nick has found the perfect role and is thriving in a supportive workplace environment.  He says ‘atWork Australia are the only ones who have ever helped me. I am so happy I came to atWork Australia.”

“By making sure we take the time to find the right employer and the right candidate, we can ensure both people and business can thrive,” said Kylie.

Nick is now working in a role where he enjoys the work, the social aspect and the workplace culture.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Nick expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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