atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Peter stands proudly in a Maroon t-shirt. Quote reads "What sets atWork Australia a part is their genuine care, support and ability to follow through on their promise


Peter has spent majority of his adulthood being unemployed. Peter lives with a mental health condition; he experiences anxiety and has low self-confidence. Peter has found it difficult to find suitable employment that he can access via public transport, he was unsure of what employment he was capable of, and as his period of unemployment grew longer, his confidence in his own ability began to fade.

Instead of giving up, Peter realised what he was doing was not working. He took a courageous step, put his hand up and reached out for support. In doing so, he connected with atWork Australia’s Disability Employment Services team in Rockingham, WA, to get tailored support on his employment journey.

When Peter met his Job Coach, Dan, he shared that the very thought of employment made him anxious and that he didn’t even know what he wanted to do for work. Dan listened, assured Peter that he was not alone and that atWork Australia have supported many people in similar situations to be able to find employment.

Dan and Peter began brainstorming realistic employment options for Peter and discussing how atWork Australia would support him throughout the journey. To help speed up the process, Dan introduced Peter to atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement Consultant, Ruechelle.

Part of Ruechelle’s role is to develop relationships with local employers. Ruechelle began cold calling employers, explaining atWork Australia’s services and enquiring about any vacancies on Peter’s behalf. Due to her perseverance, she found an employer who agreed to give Peter an interview.

In preparation for the interview, Ruechelle worked with Peter, teaching him interview techniques and helping him develop strong responses to general interview questions.

As they say, preparation is the key to success. Peter attended his interview and was rewarded with an offer of employment. Peter is now working as a Retail Assistant at Big Brews in Warnbro, WA.

To help Peter prepare for his first day, atWork Australia provided funding to purchase new work clothes and Personal Protective Equipment that he required for the job. Peter has been delighted with the support he has received. Peter said, “atWork Australia’s support has been integral to me getting into employment, I couldn’t have done this without them.”

atWork Australia is thrilled to see Peter doing so well in his new job. Peter’s employer, said, “Peter is very polite, hard-working, and enthusiastic. We are happy to have Peter, he is one of those guys who just gets in and gets the jobs done with no fuss, we know we can rely on him.”

This has been a fantastic outcome for Peter. He continued, “What sets atWork Australia a part is their genuine care, support and ability to follow through on their promise.”

“To be honest, atWork Australia has been the best employment provider I’ve had,” said Peter.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients  like Peter, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire onlineto find out how we can help you meet your career goals.


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