atWork Australia

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Riley stands proudly holding his graduation certificate. Quote reads 'I have made some good friends and have nearly secured myself a job through the course. I can't thank Steven and the atWork Australia team enough for encouraging me. Said Riley.

Workforce Australia client, Riley, was convinced he was no good in a classroom. At 19-years-old, Riley had left school early to start work, however, found the workplace culture left him living with anxiety and mental health conditions.

Riley began working with his Job Coach, Steven, in the Port Pirie atWork Australia office in South Australia.

Riley was feeling defeated; as he had left school early and had limited skills and qualifications, he wasn’t being considered for the roles he was applying for.

Steven took the time to get to know Riley and together they co-designed a plan to support Riley back to employment.

Steven learnt that Riley had a goal in mind, but he was unsure of the steps to get there. He also saw that Riley needed support to boost his confidence again.

“Riley said he had always wanted to work in the mines but was not sure how to go about getting a foot in the door due to his lack of skills and qualifications,” said Steven.

“I said to Riley, let’s get you the qualifications you need, but Riley was hesitant to return to study as he felt he wasn’t good at learning.”

Steven referred Riley to the Heavy Industries Multi Skilled program. He encouraged Riley that he could do the 18 weeks and the trainer was supportive of his learning barriers.

“While Riley was hesitant at first, I encouraged him, and reminded him of the end goal. By the end, Riley overcame his learning barrier, and was one of the top students.”

“Having someone believe in me and help me when no one else did. Keeping me on track and pushing me to be better, encouraged me to finish the course,” said Riley.

The course has given him a real head start as the program also introduced him to a lot of employers who have shown interest in employing Riley.

“I am so stoked that I have graduated.  I have made some good friends and have nearly secured myself a job through the course. I can’t thank Steven and the atWork Australia team enough for encouraging me.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients, like Riley expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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