atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia

Engadine (NSW) local, Shannon* has come a long way on her journey after a few years of unemployment.

When Shannon first visited the atWork Australia office, she was reluctant to share her barriers; she had a lack of confidence, was unsure of how to effectively job-search and didn’t know how to answer interview questions appropriately.

So, at her first appointment, her Job Coach, Kaniz, discussed with her the different programs and support that were available to her.

Shannon was eager to learn and was enrolled in the Jobs for the Mob program. This course enabled Shannon to build foundational skills in preparation to engage in the workforce. The program enhanced her progression towards home, education and work goals, as well as assisting with goal setting, resume writing and financial planning. Shannon had a lot of support from her Job Coach and the program facilitator to help her thrive.

This is one of many ways Shannon has been able to make the most of the flexibility of the Points Based Activation System; participating in activities that will build the skills she needed to progress towards employment.

Kaniz encouraged Shannon to choose activities that best reflect what she would like to achieve in the future, what her personal values are, and setting stepping-stones that will lead to achieving a larger goal while managing setbacks along the way.

Being able to collaborate with an employment services provider has allowed Shannon to access support and training that she otherwise would not have the opportunity to do.

By participating in Jobs for the Mob, Shannon has built self-belief and changed a negative pattern of thinking to be positive. She also understands the positive impact that working has on physical and mental health; promoting an active lifestyle with routine and structure, financial security, and is a large contributor towards mental wellbeing that provides a sense of self and purpose.

Shannon has taken the next steps towards employment; she has developed her computer skills to job-search effectively, submitting applications online and tailoring her resume to every job advertisement. Shannon is focused on securing a role in customer service; applying for jobs in a range of industries.

“Life is a long journey; there will be ups and downs. Still keep smiling and striving for success.” – Shannon, Workforce Australia client

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Shannon expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

*Name has been changed for privacy.

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