atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia

Shontae is 19, living in Elizabeth South, SA, and is a Workforce Australia client of atWork Australia.

When Shontae first connected with Job Coach Corey, she was unsure of herself and lacked confidence.

“When I first met Shontae, she had never been employed before. She had some home troubles and wasn’t even sure of her permanent address. She felt anxious about working and even obtaining her Driver Licence,” said Corey.

“I helped Shontae by referring her to Wellness Services and supported her self-confidence by funding driving lessons and interview clothing.”

“The driving lessons helped motivate Shontae and helped her become more independent when it came to travelling to-and-from work.”

Shontae found the flexibility of being able to report driving lessons for PBAS points very helpful, and she also reached her target by paring this up with weekly wellness sessions.

With the range of support on offer from atWork Australia, Shontae improved her self-confidence and landed a part-time role in retail.

“Being employed has changed my view and self-confidence of my everyday life,” said Shontae.

“I believe Shontae has made leaps and bounds in her progress. She always has a huge smile and is more confident than ever when explaining her progression to me,” said Corey.

“She now believes in her own ability and has way more confidence knowing she has employment in a safe environment, which will only help her reach other goals.”

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Shontae expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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