atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Everything is possible. Sturt, Workforce Australia Client, NSW.

When Marrickville local, Sturt (53), entered the atWork Australia office in Marrickville, NSW, he lacked confidence and was needing assistance on his journey to employment.

When Sturt met with his Job Coach, Bill, he shared information on all of the services that atWork Australia could provide to him. One of his suggestions included the in-house Jobs for the Mob program.

This job preparation program is aimed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, providing a space for clients to develop skills, experience and knowledge so they can move more quickly towards employment.

The course covers a range of topics including; gaining confidence in the workplace, how to set effective goals and how to be resilient both inside and outside of the workplace.

Sturt showed a strong interest in this program, so Bill quickly enrolled him.

Whilst Sturt was completing this program, Bill checked in with him at every stage to ensure he felt comfortable and confident. He also reminded Sturt that everyone is unique and will follow a unique journey. But despite this, everything is still possible.

Throughout the four-day program, Sturt rapidly gained confidence in himself and his abilities as well as learning very valuable skills. These skills included; computer skills and how to apply for jobs, as well as how to ace a job interview.

For Sturt, the biggest take away from the program was his new ability to be resilient. He is now able to bounce back from negative experiences and have a positive mindset.

Sturt now feels confident to communicate with people in his future workplace. He has uncovered his potential and now understands how to utilise his transferrable skills in the workplace.

A local hospital has already expressed interest in hiring Sturt. We look forward to supporting him further on his journey to employment.

“Everything is possible” – Sturt, Client.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Sturt expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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