atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Summer commenced with atWork Australia Bunbury midway through 2020. At that time, she had been living with mental health concerns relating to significant social anxiety.  It was said that she could only come into the office with a hoodie that would cover her face, and she would drive people away who might have shown a willingness to want to help her.

Job Coach Michelle had to gently encourage Summer to come out of her shell and engage with those around her to, not only benefit her chances of finding employment but, to offer her a  renewed sense of confidence that would carry over to other aspects of her life.

Summer observed that, the new improvements on herself, with her personal physical and mental health, have had a positive flow-on effect with her family. Previously, her family was a constant source of stress for her, due to perceived fractured relationships.

Summer remarked, “My anxiety made me push people away. Now, my newfound confidence and my ability to manage my own mental health is a breath of fresh air for my family.”

With the help of Job Coach Michelle, Summer said that she is now able to apply her own life experiences to help her family move forward to a new life where they are closer and more connected.

Summer continued, “This reconnection of our family unit has seen the relationship with my brother improve to a point where we are taking Mum away on a family holiday for Mother’s Day this year.”

She claims that they are all very encouraging and supportive of each other now and no longer clash or play off against each other. This transition has been important for Summer and family is something that she has always valued despite any adversity from the past.

Summer recalls, “The first step to my healing was to show the world who I am now. I am a vibrant person and now I have the confidence to build my life from the ground up.”

Summer no longer hides in her hoodie in fact, she has coloured her hair, which could be considered an overt expression of her true personality.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Summer expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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