atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Quote reads "Kayne said his experience helped him to build on his relationship with family. He feels he now has a purpose." said Aiden Job Coach from Tasmania

Kayne, a Workforce Australia client from Ravenswood in Tasmania, had been out of work for more than six years.

He was in a cycle of unstable housing, substance abuse and getting in trouble.

When Kayne was connected with Job Coach Aiden from atWork Australia, he was disengaged and unmotivated.

Job Coach Aiden took the time to get to know Kayne, first focusing on making sure he had available food, warm clothes and was supported with his health.

Aiden purchased a mobile phone and credit for Kayne to be contactable for interviews while organising suitable interview clothing and a haircut.

They then looked at building Kayne’s resume and decided volunteering could be a good option to build some experience and skills.

Aiden and the Ravenswood atWork Australia team had a close relationship with City Mission Warehouse and supported Kane to complete some work experience.

Before he could start however, he needed to organise identification, another step where he was fully supported by Job Coach, Aiden and the team.

Aiden checks in with Kayne daily to see how his progress was going and is proud of the progress Kayne has made.

“Kayne is being considered for a permanent role at the warehouse due to his attitude and commitment towards the work,” said Aiden.

“He was excited and proud to be back working.”

Kayne called the atWork Australia team to thank them for everything.

“Kayne said his experience helped him to build on his relationship with family. He feels he now has a purpose,” said Aiden.

atWork Australia’s Regional Manager for Tasmania, Melissa said she was excited to see what the future holds for Kayne.

“Aidan has gone above and beyond to help Kayne break out of the cycle he is in, and Kayne has taken the opportunity in both hands and run with it. A wonderful outcome and it’s exciting to see what the future will hold for Kayne,” said Melissa.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Kane expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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