atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Kerri-ann stands proudly next to her artwork. Quote reads "I have never felt so supported and respected throughout my journey," said Kerri-ann.

Workforce Australia client, Kerri-ann, is a proud Indigenous woman who works at the local Aboriginal Cultural Centre as an Artist and in the café.

In the past Kerri-ann has found maintaining employment difficult due to her ability to access reliable transport and the running costs attached.

She met Job Coach, Ashlea, at the Moolap atWork Australia office, and they had an instant connection.

Ashlea learnt Kerri-ann was riding her electric scooter to work as her car needed repairs. However, the scooter was also damaged and sometimes was unable to be charged, this along with the local weather meant her morning trip to work was often difficult.

Kerri-Ann really enjoyed her role so together with Ashlea they came up with a plan.

Ashlea assisted Kerri-ann with food vouchers to free up some money to assist with repairs and the running costs of her car.

“To be able to assist Kerri-ann get safely to and from work and out of the weather was my main goal,” said Ashlea.

atWork Australia then supported Kerri-ann with fuel vouchers to help her get to and from work.

Kerri-ann was very excited that we could assist her with the costs of getting her vehicle back on the road and how quickly it could be done.

“I have never felt so supported and respected throughout my journey,” said Kerri-ann.

“I will be able to get to work and not have to worry about riding my scooter anymore.”

Kerri-ann is still currently thriving in her role at the café, and her art is also selling well.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients like Kerri-ann expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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