atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Nick stands in the centre with his arms around the atWork Australia team. I’m happy to be working and earning my own money, and not having to rely on my parents so much" said Nick.

Nick started working with the atWork Australia team in Cranbourne, not long after he finished at school.

A Disability Employment Services client, Nick lives with an intellectual disability which impacts his literacy and numeracy skills.

When Nick first met with the atWork Australia team, he already knew exactly what he wanted to do – become a gardener. Nick’s dad often attended meetings alongside Nick, and together with the atWork Australia team, they got to work to find the right employer for Nick.

“We called many employers to advocate for Nick,” said Job Coach Donna.

“Our biggest challenge was finding an employer with the time and space to allow Nick to learn the role, as he would need more time than other candidates.”

The team kept persevering with calling employers. In the meantime, they supported Nick to gain his white card, working with children check, gardening boots and police check, so that he would be ready to go once an employer was found.

Eventually the Employer Engagement team found an employer who was willing to give Nick a go. He soon started work as a gardener at an Aged Care facility.

“It seems to be a match made in heaven! It has given him as sense of achievement, and a place well deserved as a contributing member of his community,” said Donna.

Donna along with In-Work Support Coach Lauren have been in close contact with Nick and his Father through his first few months of employment to support him through anything he might need.

“Nick has made significant growth since he started with atWork Australia. He has built his social skills and is making friends at work. He is even training a new employee. His confidence is amazing,” said Donna.

Through his journey Nick has never given up hope of finding the right role as a gardener.

“He and his Dad have stayed so positive throughout the journey of trialing different employment options, and never gave up that we would find the right one.”

“We are all incredibly proud of the growth in Nick, and team at atWork Australia Cranbourne know that with all of us behind him he can achieve great things,” said In-Work Support Coach Lauren.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Nick expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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