atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

It has always been a pleasure working with Tim on his path to employment and to support him during his employment journey. This is what it is all about! Connecting people with businesses so both can thrive. Kristie, Job Coach, VIC

After being unemployed for the past 10 months, Workforce Australia client, Timothy (56), entered the atWork Australia office in Drysdale, VIC, seeking part-time employment.

Timothy felt there were no roles locally that suited both his skills and availability. These factors led to him having low hopes of being able to find the perfect role.

Upon entering the office, Timothy was met with his Job Coach, Kristie. The pair discussed a tailored plan which included his history, skills and what his perfect role would be.

Timothy mentioned that he had previous gardening, maintenance and forklift roles and would love to work within these fields once again. He also mentioned that his ideal role would be part-time.

Kristie proceeded to reassure Timothy that the perfect position was out there for him, and that she was going to find it.

Kristie worked on advocating on Timothy’s behalf to local gardening businesses; aiming to find an opportunity.

With great success, one of the employers had an opening for a forklift driver/yard person and offered Timothy to come in for an interview. He was later offered this position.

Timothy was overjoyed with happiness after he found out he secured a position of interest that was also close to home.

atWork Australia’s support means a lot to Timothy, so much so, that on his next visit into the office, he presented the team with a gift – a pot plant. A very fitting gift, considering his new job.

atWork Australia has enjoyed supporting Timothy into meaningful and sustainable employment.

“It has always been a pleasure working with Timothy on his path to employment and to support him during his employment journey. This is what it is all about! Connecting people with businesses so both can thrive.” – Kristie, Job Coach.

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients, like Tim, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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