atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Ladies stand behind the counter at a Subway store. Quote reads "Nikki has seen a different side to the world. She can afford new things and is looking to the future." said Job Coach Kath.

At 21, Nikki had never worked before. She was dealing with unstable accommodation and had to move to a regional town to live with her sister.

When she first started working with Job Coach, Kath, at the atWork Australia office in Clare, SA, as a Workforce Australia client, she lacked confidence in herself.

“When I first met Nikki, she found it hard to even make eye contact,” said Job Coach Kath.

Having never worked before, Nikki had no understanding of the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and was often confused when dealing with Centrelink. She was feeling overwhelmed and wasn’t sure what to expect.

Kath took the time to get to know Nikki and what her goals were. Together they co-designed a plan to support Nikki into paid employment.

To begin with, Kath supported Nikki with Centrelink and the ATO. She also provided Nikki with fuel vouchers as she relied on her sister to drive her to interviews and into the office for her appointments.

Nikki was referred to our internal Wellness Services to support her mental health and confidence.

Kath practiced interviews with Nikki and looked at updating her resume with transferrable skills.

Soon, Nikki landed a hospitality role at the local Subway store.

“Nikki has gained new social skills and the ability to relate to a diverse group of people in a busy environment,” said Kath.

“She now has work experience, new skills in fast-food, orders, and her new employer is very happy with her attendance.”

Nikki still drops by the atWork Australia office, often before her shifts start to chat to the team for additional support.

“Nikki has delighted me with her significant changes; she now has focus and engages well.”

“Her employer has provided feedback that she is gaining her confidence with clients and the tasks at hand. Always arrives early and is committed to do a good job.”

Every year, atWork Australia helps thousands of clients, like Nikki, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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