atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Anthony stands in a checkered shirt next to his Job coach. Quote reads "atWork Australia supported Anthony with encouragement to keep going until he reached his goals' said his Job Coach Anita

When Workforce Australia client Anthony, found himself unemployed at 58-years-old, he found job searching and the system for reporting very unfamiliar.

Coming from a hands-on industry of maintenance work in a Caravan Park, Anthony did not have a lot of technical experience, he also had unstable housing, making it difficult to always have reliable internet to use.

Anthony was connected with Job Coach, Anita, from the atWork Australia Wollongong office.

“Anthony was wanting to work from the day he started his journey with atWork Australia,” said Anita.

“He just needed some support to apply for roles.”

Anthony also did not have any means of his own transport and was reliant on public transport. This also affected the types of roles he could apply for.

Anita worked with Anthony to update his resume. While in appointments she supported him to apply for jobs online, and provided a manual job search tracking sheet for those opportunities he went in search of face to face.

“I would help Anthony to lodge his job searches when he came in for his appointments, which helped ensure he wouldn’t fall behind on his requirements,” said Anita.

Anthony was interested in staying in the same industry of hands-on work such as maintenance work.

The local team hosted a ‘First Steps to Success’ event which brings together employers, training and support services together in the atWork Australia office.

The event provided Anthony with the opportunity to meet with a range of employers, practice his interview skills and boosted his confidence.

Soon after he found himself a new part time maintenance role. The team are proud of Anthony for his commitment to applying and searching for jobs outside of the online world.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Anthony expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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