atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Mandurah attended the Youth Exploring Employment Pathways (YEEP) graduation ceremony last week.

The YEEP Program was developed and run by Inspire for You and 9 graduates were referred from atWork Australia’s jobactive program.

The 8-week program takes individuals who are seeking to develop their employability skills, on a journey to identify and develop personal goals and discover strategies that can be implemented to assist in their personal success.

The graduation event was organised by the young people that have participated in the event, as part of their work experience component to celebrate the completion of the YEEP program which has been delivered over the last 8 weeks.

atWork Australia was proud to support the program through funding received from the RET program which is a local jobs program that is inspiring local jobseekers in the Mandurah region to get job ready and upskill through pre-employment training services.

Working with highly experienced practitioners within the YEEP program, participants can:

  • Learn through practical activities to showcase individual skills
  • Discover new strategies for healthier living
  • Get motivated to set and reach personal goals
  • Develop transferable employment skills that help in gaining employment in the needed areas within the peel and Mandurah area.
  • Have fun and meet new people

All of the graduates were delighted to benefit from program with many saying the main benefits were “self-discovery and confidence.”

Well done to all the graduates on your hard work and achievements.

For more information about the YEEP program, please contact atWork Australia via or 1300 080 856.

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