atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Aaron has left a frightening motorbike accident behind him, recovering well from his injuries and finding a job as a construction worker.

From Corinella in South Gippsland, Aaron, 31 came off his bike a couple of years ago, fracturing his shoulder blade and ending up in the hospital. Immobilised for some time, Aaron was unable to work and subsequently developed back and neck pain and severe depression.

After being linked with atWork Australia’s Wonthaggi office, Aaron was teamed up with his Job Coach, Melanie who has plenty of experience supporting people into the right jobs. She did what she always does – listened to Aaron’s needs, and then worked with him to develop a plan to help him meet his employment and life goals.

Melanie worked hard to market him to local employers, all the while providing specialised support and counselling to help Aaron manage his mental health.

“Aaron’s really motivated so I was keen to let our network of employers know about his skills and availability,” she says.

Fortuitously, Aaron learned of a job going with a local builder at the same time that Melanie had secured a job trial for him. As the construction job included transportation, which Aaron lacked, he went along for the trial and with Melanie’s support, was able to prove his abilities in the workplace.

Wanting to provide support on the job to ensure he was doing well, Melanie then made many trips to various worksites to deliver clothing, work shoes and other necessities to help him with his return to the workforce. This was enormously helpful and allowed Aaron to fully focus on the job.

Melanie says Aaron was thrilled when his employer offered him a full-time job after the successful trial.

“He was so relieved to be able to continue to work and support himself financially,” she said.

“Aaron’s thankful for making him feel important and worthy and for our typical high levels of customer service and support.”

Take the first step to get where you want to be. Call atWork Australia on 1800 080 856 or fill out an online enquire today. 


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