atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia.

After recently moving from the UK, Mature Aged client, Paul* entered the atWork Australia office in Warrawong, NSW looking for assistance on entering the Australian workforce.

Paul’s qualifications are not recognised in Australia, so he had to start from scratch. This led to him feeling lost and a bit unsure of what to do.

Alongside his Job Coach Jacq, Paul worked on searching for a job that not only catered to his previous experience but was also something he was interested in.

“I suggested individual support work as it was similar to working with people as he did in the UK” said Jacq. Paul was really happy with the suggestion and decided to pursue.

In their searches, Jacq found a company that offered a government subsided individual support course that included work placement in a nursing home. As a part of this course, Paul was required to complete 120 hours of work placement.

Jacq and the Workforce Australia team assisted with clothing, work checks; NDIS, police check and Working with Children check.

Whilst completing his hours, Paul and Jacq worked on re-building Paul’s confidence, motivation, and self-esteem after a long 5 years out of the workforce.

The 120 hours of completed work placement resulted in a job offer, casual to start and a chance to move to full time employment. He loved his placement and was estatic to be moving into employment at the same workplace.

“The clients and staff loved him. He received very positive feedback from the employer and management.” – Jacq, Job Coach, Workforce Australia.

Paul always expressed his gratitude to Jacq and the Warrawong team in every progress appointment. He states, “Thanks Jacq for all your help, support and confidence you have given me”.

*Name has been changed for privacy.

Paul’s career journey provides an excellent example among our diverse employee success story examples. You, too, can get the skills and qualifications to find the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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