atWork Australia

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This October, atWork Australia are supporting Mental Health Month. Mental Health Month gives an opportunity to raise awareness about mental health and wellbeing. This year’s theme is ‘Share the Journey’ and it is about the ways we can connect with others, both for our own health and wellbeing, as well as theirs.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how individuals think, feel, and act.

  • Almost 45% of Australians will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime
  • The most common conditions are depression, anxiety, and substance abuse

Why we are supporting Mental Health Month 

We know the importance of good mental health; how mental health can be improved through work and how a mentally healthy workplace is important. We also know firsthand the benefit good work can have on people with mental health conditions’ lives, and that unemployment is shown to influence poorer mental health outcomes.

Through our work, in October, and every day, we are helping people with mental health conditions to improve their lives with work, read more about atWork Australia’s Disability Employment Services here.

Work is proven to be good for health and wellbeing

We know that people with mental health conditions can work, and we know the profound impact work has not only on their individual mental health, but the wellbeing of their family, friends, and the wider community.

Research has shown:

  • Employment prevents psychiatric morbidity as employed people were shown to have lower psychiatric morbidity scores
  • Long term work absence, work disability and unemployment have a negative impact on health and wellbeing
  • Good quality employment is good for improving mental health
  • Re-entering the workforce can aid recovery and shorten the duration of treatment
  • Work is a therapeutic intervention; it aids in the treatment of mental health conditions
  • Employment can decrease the risk of depression and improves general mental health

Read more about the health benefits of work here.

How does atWork Australia help people with mental health conditions find good work?

We know that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to finding a job, also when you live with a mental health condition. That’s why we offer many different ways to support people with mental health conditions to find good work.

Our dedication to mental health month is also reflected in our ongoing efforts in offering employment services tailored to mental health needs. As a leading Disability Employment Services provider nationally, we offer a range of programs to support people with disability into work:

  • Positivum – Our in-house developed health and wellbeing program including an online assessment incorporating interactive modules and an individualised wellbeing coaching program. Positivum helps us to understand the beliefs and perceptions that may be a barrier to employment, and the health coaching program aims to address these

“Positivum taught me that having a mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of” – atWork Australia Client, WA

  • One Job Coach – Each job seeker is provided with one Job Coach from start to finish, focusing on building capability, increasing motivation and providing support to gain sustainable careers. We get to know you, how we can best help you and work out together, what job would suit you best. We are there with you as you meet your training, life and employment goals
  • In-house allied health expertise – Access to our in-house allied health expertise (including Psychologists and Physiotherapists), should you need some extra support
  • Support for clients – Dependant on our client’s needs, we will continue to support them through 52 weeks post-placement support, ongoing support, or on the job support. This is individually tailored to our clients’ specific needs and goals
  • A network of employers who are ready to hire – We work with employers to promote the benefits of employing people with disability, building a solid business case and the confidence to do so.

Success Stories

Since 2003, atWork Australia has been committed to mental health employment support and mentally healthy workplaces. Many of our clients come to atWork Australia looking for work whilst living with mental health conditions, just like Rochelle and Samantha who are just two examples of job seekers with mental health conditions who have changed their lives by finding good work with the right employer.


Read more of our success stories here.

We have 36 offices where we are Disability Employment Services (DES) Mental Health Specialist providers:

All of our team in our 300+ offices can help you find a job with a mental health condition. Let’s get started, find your nearest office here.



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