atWork Australia

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Good news from atWork Australia.

atWork Australia’s Powered by Positivum course provides pre-employment training, mindset and wellness coaching, along with micro credentials, through a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

The program has supported many atWork Australia Workforce Australia clients to take the next step towards a career in the industry of their choice.

For Riverwood, NSW, client, Katie, the program also supported her to feel like she had more power over the direction of her life and career.

Katie’s Job Coach, Rachael, referred Katie to the Powered by Positivum – Customer Service program when she saw that she felt powerless over the direction of her life and needed support with skills to handle setbacks.

“I wanted to support Katie to learn more about small steppingstones to reach her goals. This way she could take back some of the power and direction in her life,” said Job Coach Rachael.

Katie had an interest in customer service and administration roles, and the program supported her to gain qualifications in this industry.

“Katie really enjoyed the RTO components of the course. When she received her Certificate, this was a milestone for her, and she realised she can continue to learn and pave her own way forward.”

“The wellness coaching helped her to uncover her strengths, and by the end of the sessions she was making good contributions to the teamwork elements.”

In addition, Katie now has a resume tailored to the Customer Service industry for when she is ready to start applying for work.

Working on small goals enhanced Katies progression towards how she feels about home, education, and work goals. She is building her foundational skills to engage in the workplace.

“I can see Katies thinking beginning to change. She is thinking in a more positive way and exploring herself and her strengths,” said Rachael.

Katie and Rachael are continuing to work on a co-designed plan to support Katie feel work ready. The team looks forward to finding her a customer service role that she can thrive in.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Katie, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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