atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

After moving to the Great Southern, I found it quite difficult to gain employment on my own. atWork Australia helped me a lot with that, making life so much easier for me. Shane, Workforce Australia Client, WA.

Shane was living in Cranbrook, a small remote regional town in the Great Southern, Western Australia. He had been unemployed for two years and was finding it difficult to find meaningful employment. Living in a regional community there was limited access to employment opportunities. Shane made the short commute to receive support from atWork Australia’s Workforce Australia team in their Mount Barker office.

When Shane attended his initial appointment, he was introduced to his Job Coach, Taeleisha. They discussed how atWork Australia could support him to find employment. They both came to the conclusion that Shane was always going to find it difficult to find meaningful employment in Cranbrook or Mount Barker due to the limited opportunities. Shane took the plunge and decided to move to Albany, a regional city in the Great Southern.

While Shane was in the process of moving, Taeleisha referred him to atWork Australia’s Wellness Services. Our qualified team of Wellness Professionals will empower clients to prioritise their overall health and wellbeing via confidential, and client focussed support services, working to overcome barriers to employment as they navigate their journey towards work.

Taeleisha referred Shane to atWork Australia’s Employer Engagement team. They were able to quickly secure Shane a position as a Traffic Controller. To help Shane prepare for his new job, atWork Australia assisted Shane to gain his White Card, purchase work clothes and complete the traffic control course to gain the necessary licences required to start work. Shane started work just before Christmas.

Unfortunately, due to some complications with Shanes CV check, his employer informed him they could not hire him, he was shocked. This did not deter Shane. The atWork Australia team were able to move quickly and secured Shane another position with WCP Civil.

Shanes Job Coach, Taeleisha, said, ‘Shane was surprised and excited about the new opportunity. He is always pleasant and very appreciative of all the support provided to him.”

 “After moving to the Great Southern, I found it quite difficult to gain employment on my own. atWork Australia helped me a lot with that, making life so much easier for me. Thanks atWork Australia for your help.” – Shane, atWork Australia Client

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Shane, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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