atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia Job Coach, Minh, said, "Tommy said he is finally excited about his future and feels he is now in a position to achieve his goals."

Disability Employment Services client, Tommy, came to atWork Australia with work experience from multiple industries, such as Warehousing, Building, and Construction. However, due to his ongoing health concerns, he had been unemployed for the past eight years. As his period of unemployment grew, his confidence in his own ability continued to fade.

Tommy connected with Job Coach, Minh, at the Cabramatta office in NSW. The first time the pair met, Tommy was very shy and didn’t feel confident speaking in a social setting. Over the next few months, Minh worked hard to develop a rapport with Tommy, eventually earning his trust and allowing him to speak up about the challenges he was facing.

Tommy shared he was managing multiple health concerns, including long-term anxiety and depression, which impacted his moods, sleep patterns, and concentration. Additionally, Tommy experience chronic neck pain from his arthritis.

Tommy advised he works hard to manage his barriers with his health maintenance program, which involves daily medications, and regular meetings with his psychologist and GP.

Minh was patient with Tommy, assuring him that his health and well-being was his main priority and together they would slowly build towards returning to work.

After two months, Tommy was beginning to feel better within himself and started leading the conversation about his employment goals. He was proactive and asked for Minh’s support when applying for jobs.

Minh was excited to see Tommy excited, and together they began updating Tommy’s resume. Minh explained the importance of tailoring his resume for each application, highlighting how he could meet the employers’ requirements.

Tommy came to Minh one day with a position he had found and a job he wanted to do. Minh contacted the employer on Tommy’s behalf and negotiated to secure him the position.

Tommy could not believe it; he had applied for multiple jobs and was so thrilled to finally get a positive response.

Tommy has started his new job, completing vehicle repairs, and is loving all aspects of his new employment.

Tommy said he is finally excited about his future and feels he is now in a position to achieve his goals.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Tommy expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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